
Christian Keambou Tiambo

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KeambouFACULTY:                   Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
DEPARTMENT:          Animal Science
NAME OF STAFF:      Christian KeambouTiambo
E-mail:                       keambou.tiambo@ubuea.cm

Secondary E-mail:    christike2002@yahoo.fr
Tel:                              +237699703522
GRADE:     Lecturer

– Certificate of Genomic applications to livestock genetic improvement using the Next generation sequencing and Illumina platform
– Ph.D. in Biotechnology and Animal Productions, Genetics and Production Systems, University of Dschang
– Certificate of Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standard (LEGS). Feinstein International Center and Tufts University
– Certificate of Molecular Biology and Genetic characterization of animal populations. BecA-Hub/ILRI.
– Certificate of Biosafety and GMO Detection. AGERI/UNCTAD. GIZA-Arab Republique of Egypt.
– M.Sc. in Biotechnology and Animal Productions, Genetics and Production Systems , University of Dschang
– Post Graduate Diploma in Eco-Parasitologie, University of Dschang
– B.Sc, University of Dschang

Animal Breeding and Genetic Improvement
Domains of research
• Animal Productions Systems in Cameroon
• Characterization and development of local animal genetic resources
• Utilization of agricultural and et agro-industrial by products in animal feeding
• Zoonosis and environnemental health

I have supervised four (04) Engineerstudents and six (06) MSc students:
– MOUSSOUNDA Gina, 2007. Qualité des œufs, performances de croissance et caractéristiques morphobiométriques de la poule locale (Gallus gallus) des zones urbaine et rurale de l’Ouest Cameroun. Agricultural Engineer Thesis, University of Sciences and Technics of Masuku-Gabon, 64 p.

– MBOUMBA Sylvère. 2009. productivité de la poule locale (Gallus gallus) et de ses croisements réciproques avec une souche standard exotique en milieu tropical. Agricultural Engineer Thesis, University of Sciences and Technics of Masuku-Gabon, 72 p.

– MEZZUI MEZZUI Toussaint, 2010. Performances zootechniques et de rusticité de la poule locale croisée avec la souche commerciale Hubbard à la ferme d’application de l’Université de Dschang (Cameroun). MSc thesis, University of Dschang.

– Haoua MAHAMAT TAHIR, 2011: Morphobiometrical and production system characterization of indigenous chicken populations in the Sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon. MScthesis, University of Dschang

– CELESTINE BEMBIDE, 2012. Caractérisation morpho-biométrique et des systèmes de production de la poule locale (Gallus gallus) dans la Lobaye en République Centre Africaine. MSc thesis, University of Dschang

– CHE-AJUYO NUELA MANKA’A, 2014. The Efficacy of Plant Extracts In the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Chickens, In the South West Region, Cameroon M.Sc. thesis, university of Buea.

– MFOPOU Youssouf Soultan, 2015. Effet du taux d’incorporation des feuilles de Moringaoleifera sur les performances de production de la poule KABIR, Engineerthesis, University of Dschang.

– NGAH Abdul Rahaman, 2015. Caractérisation socio-économique et technique des élevages de poules locales, dans le Département du Noun (Hauts plateaux de l’Ouest Cameroun), Engineerthesis, University of Dschang.

– VUKIESU Christian, 2015. Effect of inclusion levels of sweet potato and cassava meals in substitution of corn and pelleting of feed on the laying performances of CABI Chicken. M.Sc. Thesis, submitted.

– TABOT Julius, 2015. Effects of processed pigeon pea (cajanuscajan) in replacing maize on the growth performance of weaner rabbits. M.Sc. Thesis, submitted.

NGHONJUYI Ndaleh W University of Buea Prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in scarvenging chickens and efficacy of medicinal plant extracts against coccidiosis and ascaridiosis in Cabi chickens. PhD thesis, University of Buea 2015

Harrison Ngantu University of Buea Effect of various plant extraction used as prebiotic on the growth and reproduction performances of the Cameroonian Kabir chicken. PhD thesis, research completed and under drafting phase Going on

DefeuModeste University of Dschang Biodiversité Moléculaire des ânes (Equusasinus) Going on

Djomatchaigue B. Herbert University of Dschang Biodiversité morpho biométrique et moléculaire de la population des dromadaires (Camelusdromadarius) au Tchad Going on

KouamSimo Jaures University of Dschang Etude exploratoire des gènes de fécondité, de précocité et de prolificité chez les moutons du Cameroun. Going on

Keambou TC, 2011. Poule locale des hautes terres de l’Ouest Cameroun : Caractéristiques morphobiométriques et diversité phylogénétique, Editions Universitaires Européennes, Pages : 72, Référence : 74710, N° ISBN : 9786131594687.

– HakoTouko Blaise Arnaud,Keambou Tiambo Christian, ManjeliYacouba, 2012. Caractérisation de la poule locale domestique (Gallus domesticus) : Effet de quelques gènes majeurs sur les paramètres zootechniques, hématologiques et la tolérance thermique. Imprint Editions Universitaires Européennes EUE (Feb 2012), ISBN: 3841791565. 108p.

– Celestine Bembide, Manjeliyacouba, Christian Keambou T., 2012.Poule locale en milieu tropical : Phénotype et systèmes de production de la poule locale (Gallus gallus) dans la Préfecture de la Lobaye en Centrafrique, Imprint Editions Universitaires Européennes EUE (March 2012), ISBN-13: 978-3-8417-9269-3 ISBN-10: 3841792693. 112p.

Christian KeambouTiambo, 2012. Epidémiologie des parasites intestinaux à potentiel zoonoses à Dschang. Ed. PAF, Format: KartonierterEinband (Kt), Code EAN: 9783838189734. ISBN: 978-3-8381-8973-4, 72p.

– Toussaint Mezui Mezui, Yacouba Manjeli, Christian Keambou Tiambo, 2013. Orientation des croisements avec les poules de race locale: Performances zootechniques et de rusticité des croisés réciproques entre poules de race locale et souches exotiques. Éditions Universitaires Européenes. ISBN-10: 3838184394, ISBN-13: 978-3838184395, 104 pages.

o Prévalences et intensité d’infestation des genres parasitaires gastro-intestinaux à potentiel zoonose chez les hommes et les animaux domestiques à Dschang. Maîtrise (post graduate diploma) thesis in Animal Biology, specialty Parasitology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Dschang –Cameroon.

o Caractères morphologiques, mensurations corporelles et diversité phyllogénétique de la poule locale (Gallus gallus) des hautes terres de l’Ouest Cameroun. Master of Sciencethesis in Biotechnology and Animal Productions, specialty Genetics and Production systems, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural, Sciences, University of Dschang – Cameroon.

o Phenotypic, Molecular and zootechnical diversity of indigenous local chicken from western highlands of Cameroon. PhD thesisin Biotechnology and Animal Productions, specialty Genetics and Production systems, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural, Sciences, University of Dschang – Cameroon.

1- KEAMBOU T C, MANJELI Y, TCHOUMBOUE J, TEGUIA A ET IROUME R N 2007: Caractérisation morphobiométrique des ressources génétiques de poules locales des hautes terres de l’ouest Cameroun. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 19, Article #107. Retrieved August 10, 2007, from http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd/lrrd19/8/keam19107.htm

2- KEAMBOU T.C., BOUKILA B., MOUSSOUNDA G., MANJELI Y.2009. Comparaison de la qualité des œufs et des performances de croissance des poussins locaux des zones urbaines et rurales de l’Ouest-Cameroun. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 3(3):457-465. Available online at http://www.ajol.info

3- KEAMBOU, T.C. ET MANJELI, Y. 2009. Gènes Na, Cr, Pti et R chez la poule de l’Ouest Cameroun. Archivos de Zootechnie, 58 (suppl.) 625-628. http://www.archivosdezootecnia.org.htm

4- HAKO TOUKO B A, MANJELI Y, AWAH-NDUKUM J ET KEAMBOU T C 2009: Influence du type génétique et du sexe sur les paramètres hématologiques et la viabilité de la poule locale Camerounaise (Gallus domesticus). Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 21, Article #199. Retrieved November 2, 2009, from http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd21/11/hako21199.htm

5- S. FON-TEBUG, G. D. MAGANGA, O.B. GBATI, L.J. PANGUI, J. AWAH-NDUKUM, T.C. KEAMBOU 2009. Effects of co-administration of vitamin B12 with diminazeneaceturate on packed cell volume and weight gain in cattle experimentally infected with Trypanosomacongolense. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Science, 3(6): 1219-1225.

6- KEAMBOU T C, MANJELIY, BOUKILA B, MBOUMBA S, MEZUI MEZUI T AND HAKO TOUKO B A 2010.Heterosis and reciprocal effects of growth performances in F1 crosses generations of Local x Hubbard chicken in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 22, Article #11. Retrieved January 2, 2010, from http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd22/1/keam22011.htm .

7- KEAMBOU T.C., MANJELI Y., MEUTCHIEYE F., HAKO TOUKO B.A., AWONO J.C., 2010.Compared effects of a concentrate and a traditional diet on growth and economic performances of young local-breed pigs in North Cameroon. Revue d’élevageet de médecinevétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 2010, 63 (3- 4): 77-82.

8- SF TEBUG, AR KAMGA-WALADJO, TC KEAMBOU, OA NDAMBI, JA NDUKUM, O THIAM, 2011. Factors Influencing Conception Rates of Cameroonian Zebu Cattle (BosIndicus) following Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr (2011) 59. 365-370, ISSN: 0378-9721. http://www.ajol.info/index.php/bahpa/article/view/74470

9- CHRISTIAN KEAMBOU TIAMBO, 2013. Ressources génétiques fauniques montagnardes du Cameroun occidental : statut légal, conservation et actions prioritaires.http://mri.scnatweb.ch/afromont-events/2013-01-2125-buea-dschang-cameroon-mountain-conferencehttp://mri.scnatweb.ch/afromont-events/2013-01-2125-buea-dschang-cameroon-mountain-conference , January 21-25th 2013.

10- KEAMBOU T C, HAKO B A, BEMBIDE C, NGONO EMMA P J, MANJELI Y. 2013. Effect of genetic type and sex on reproductive, growth, survival performance and thermal tolerance index of the local chicken (Gallus gallus) of the western highlands of Cameroon. International Journal of Poultry Science 12 (2): 80-89, 2013. ISSN 1682-8356. Asian Network for Scientific Information.

11- DEFANG H.F., KANA J.R., NGOULA F., KEAMBOU T. C., TEGUIA A., EMENE N., 2013. Reproductive performance of local rabbit does on sweet potato concentrate meal to forage combinations under tropical condition. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science – ISSN: 2012-578X; P647-P653.

12- C. BEMBIDE, B.A. HAKO TOUKO, Y. MANJELI, C.T. KEAMBOU, 2013. Caractérisation morphobiométrique de la poule locale en Centrafrique. Animal Genetic Resources, FAO/UN, 2013, DOI: 10.101 7/S207863361 2000525.

13- HAKO TOUKO BA, TC KEAMBOU, JM HAN, C BEMBIDE, CY CHO, ROBERT A SKILTON, A DJIKENG, M OGUGO, Y MANJELI, T TEBUG TUMASSANG, PA ZOLI AND S OSAMA. 2013. The Major Histocompatibility Complex B (MHC -B) and QTL Microsatellite Alleles of Favorable Effect on Antibody Response against the Newcastle Disease. International Journal of Genetic Research 1(1): 1-8, ISSN: 2222-5765, www.ijscience.com

14- P.J. NGONO EMA, Y. MANJELI, F. MEUTCHIEYIÉ, C. KEAMBOU, B. WANJALA, A.F. DESTA, S. OMMEH, R. SKILTON, A. DJIKENG 2014. Genetic diversity of four Cameroonian indigenous cattle using microsatellite markers. Journal of Livestock Science (ISSN online 2277-6214) 5: 9-17.

15- NGHONJUYI NW, KIMBI HK, KEAMBOU T. C. (2014). Study of gastro–intestinal parasites of scavenging chickens in Fako Division, Southwest Cameroon. J. Adv. Parasitol. 1 (3): 30 – 34.

16- KEAMBOU T C, HAKO TOUKO B A, MBOUMBA S, MEZUI MEZUI T, TOUKALA JP, BOUKILA B AND MANJELI Y, 2014. Response of Local Chicken and Commercial Broiler Breeds to Chronic Heat Stress under Tropical Environment: 1 Effect on Growth Performance. Int. J. ApplPoult. Res. 3(1): 8-14.

17- KEAMBOU T.C., B.A. HAKO, S. OMMEH, C. BEMBIDE, E.P. NGONO, Y. MANJELI, F. WAMONJE, NZUKI, B. WANJALA, M. WAMALWA, C.Y. CHO, R.A. SKILTON AND A. DJIKENG. 2014. Genetic Diversity of the Cameroon Indigenous Chicken Ecotypes, International Journal of Poultry Science 13 (5): 279-291, 2014, ISSN 1682-8356, © Asian Network for Scientific Information.

18- KEAMBOU T C, HAKO TOUKO B A, MBOUMBA S, MEZUI MEZUI T, TOUKALA JP, BOUKILA B AND MANJELI Y, 2014. Resistance of local chicken and commercial broiler breeds to chronic heat stress in tropical environment: 2- Effects on blood and physiological parameters. Int. J. ApplPoult. Res. 3(2): 28-32.

19- DEFANG H.F., KEAMBOU T. C., MANJELI Y., TEGUIA A., PAMO T.E. 2014. Influence de la farine des feuilles de Leucaenaleucocephala sur les performances de croissance des lapereaux. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci., Vol. 8, No 4, Pages 1430-1437. Available online at http://ajol.info/index.php/ijbcs , ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), ISSN 1997-342X (Online).

20- HAKO TOUKO B.A., KEAMBOU C.T.,HAN J.-M., BEMBIDÉ C., SKILTON ROBERT A., OGUGO M., MANJELI Y., OSAMA S., CHO C.-Y. AND DJIKENG A. 2015. Molecular typing of the major histocompatibility complex B microsatellite haplotypes in Cameroon chicken, Animal Genetic Resources, Copyright © Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2015, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S2078633614000538 , 8 pages. Published online: 02 February 2015.

21- HAOUA M T, KEAMBOU C T, POUTOUGNIGNI M Y AND MANJELI Y 2015. Characterisation of indigenous chicken production systems in the Sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 27, Article #30. http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd27/2/haou27030.html .

22- NDALEH W N, KEAMBOU T C , KIMBI K H, CHE- AJUYO N M, SOARES R J, LISITA F. 2015. Efficacy of Ethanolic Extract of Carica papaya leaves as a Substitute of Sulphanomide for the Control of Coccidiosis in Kabir Chickens in Cameroon. J. Anim. Health Prod. 3 (1): 21 -27, http://dx.doi.org/10.14737/journal.jahp/2015/ .

23- NGHONJUYI NW, KIMBI HK, KEAMBOU CT, MANKA’A CN, TOUKALA JP, JULIANO RS, LISITA F. 2015. Assessment of anti-coccidial efficacy of ethanolic extract of Aloe vera leaf in Kabir chicken in Cameroon. J. Adv. Parasitol. 2(2): 23-29. DOI, http://dx.doi.org/10.14737/journal.jap/2015/, ISSN 2311-4096.

24- KEAMBOU TC, MBOUMBA S, TOUKO BAH, BEMBIDE C, MEZUI TM, TEDONGMO AMY, MANJELI Y (2015). Growth performances, carcass and egg characteristics of the local chicken and its first generation reciprocal crossbreds with an exotic strain in Cameroon. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 3(10): 507-513. DOI| http://dx.doi.org/10.14737/journal.aavs/2015/3.10.507.513 ISSN (Online) | 2307-8316; ISSN (Print) | 2309-3331.

25- M.T. HAOUA, POUTOUGNIGNI,M.Y., KEAMBOU, T.C., MANJELI, Y., 2015.Morphobiometrical diversity of the indigenouschicken’s population in the Sudano-sahelian zone ofCameroon. Scientific Journal of Animal Science,4(11), 133-154.

26- KANA JEAN RAPHAËL, KEAMBOU TIAMBO CHRISTIAN, RAQUEL SOARES JULIANO, FREDERICO LISITA, MFOPOU YOUSSOUF SOULTAN, MUBE KUETCHÉ HERVÉ, AND TEGUIA ALEXIS. 2015. Effects of Substituting Soybean with Moringaoleifera Meal in Diets on Laying and Eggs Quality Characteristics of KABIR Chickens. J AnimNutr. 2015 1: 1.

27- NDALEH WOZEROU NGHONJUYI, CHRISTIAN KEAMBOU TIAMBO, GERMAIN SOTOING TAÏWE, JEAN PAUL TOUKALA, FREDERICO LISITA, RAQUEL SOARES JULIANO AND HELEN KUOKUO KIMBI, 2016. Acute and sub-chronic toxicity studies of three plants used in Cameroonian ethno veterinary medicine: Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) leaves, Carica papaya L. (Caricaceae) seeds or leaves, and Mimosa pudica L. (Fabaceae) leaves in Kabir chicks. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2015.11.049.

28- KEAMBOU TC, KANA JR, NGAH AM, TEDONGMO AMY, RAQUEL JULIANO S, FREDERICO LISITA AND MANJELI Y. 2016. Socio-economic, technical characteristics and challenges to local chicken production in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 28, Article #034. Retrieved from http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd28/2/keam28034.html

29- HAKO TOUKO B A., KEAMBOU TC, CHO CY, HAN JM., BEMBIDÉ C, SKILTON RA, DJIKENG A, MANJELI Y. New major histocompatibility complex B (MHC-B) haplotypes of interest for improving the disease resistance in Cameroon chicken population (accepted in Animal Genetic Resources Information).

30- HAKO TOUKO B A,C KEAMBOU TIAMBO, Y MANJELI, C BEMBIDE, T TEBUG TOUMASSANG, A P ZOLI. Evaluation of the maternal antibody titre against the Avian paramyxovirus 1 (APMV1) of the Indigenous chicken (Gallus gallus) Submitted to Livestock Research for Rural Development.

Personal Summary

Christian Keambou Tiambo is Lecturer of Animal Breeding and Genetics Improvement in the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, University of Buea. He also teaches in other Higher Institutions of Cameroon and Abroad. He has particular interest on the Characterization, improvement and conservation of local Animal Genetic resources, with special references to Chickens. He has published widely livestock production in Cameroon. Up to date, more than 30 of these publications are on genetics and production systems of local chicken from various agro-ecological zones of Cameroon.
His current research explores the expression profiles of Quantitative Traits Loci (QTL) related genes as well as those of economic importance, and the nutrigenomic of local animal genetic resources fed localfeed ingredients use as growth promoter or prebiotic. The ultimate aim been the gene discovery for improvement of overall animal productions.
Christian is the animal science programme coordinator at the University of Buea.He is leading the AnGR-Science Action and Development, acommunity of practice for chicken genetic research and development in six countries from western, central and east Africa, under the coordination of BecA-ILRI Hub, Nairobi-Kenya. His is member of the Animal Genetic resources Taxonomy Advisory Group (AnGR-TAG) of the African Union InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources, and CEO of Green Gold Agro-Venture Cameroon.
Christian is member of many scientific society, among which:
– DAD-IS Network (Domestic Animal Diversity Information System Network)
– WPSA-CMR (World poultry science association-Cameroon Branch)
– AGSNet (African Graduate Nutrition Student Network)
– Cameroon Bioscience Society
– Editorial Board Member of Journal of Agricultural Science. www.ccsenet.org
– Science publishing group (http://membership.sciencepublishinggroup.com/Keambou14 )

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