
MANFO TSAGUE Faustin Pascal,Ph.D.

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ManfoFACULTY:                   Faculty of Science
DEPARTMENT:          Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
NAME OF STAFF:      MANFO TSAGUE Faustin Pascal,Ph.D.
E-mail:                       manfo.pascal@ubuea.cm
Secondary E-mail:    faustinpascal@yahoo.fr
Tel:                             00237 675 546 276
GRADE:                     Lecturer

Ph.D. in Biochemistry (thesis defended at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – France). The thesis was jointly prepared with University of Yaoundé I- Cameroon, on the topic “Study of the toxicity of agropesticides used in Djutitsa (West Cameroon) on male reproductive function and protective effect of medicinal plant extracts”; Year 2011
Diplômed’EtudesApprofondies[DEA] in Biochemistry, with thesis; Year 2004
Post-Graduate Diploma [Maîrise] in Biochemistry, with thesis; Year 2002
Bachelor Degree in Biochemistry; Year 2000
General Certificate of Education Advanced level [Baccaleuréatsérie D]; Year 1997

Environmental toxicology, drug discovery

I have co-supervised 02 MSc students


1. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Kuete V. (2014) Hepatotoxicity and Hepatoprotective Effects of African Medicinal plants. In: Kuete V (Ed), Toxicological Survey of African Medicinal Plants, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-800018-2, Pages 323-355

2. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Wang KL, Moundipa PF, Mathur PP. (2014).Heavy metal-induced toxicity on male reproductive function. In: Mathur PP (Ed), Contemporary Topics in Life Sciences, Narendra Publishing House, Pages 1-26

1. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Béboy SNE, Moundipa PF, Pugeat M, Wang PS. (2015). Medicinal Plants as Treatment Option of Male Reproductive Dysfunctions. Adaptive Medicine 7(2):57-72.

2. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Mathur PP. (2014). Effect of environmental contaminants on mammalian testis. Current Molecular Pharmacology 7(2):119-35.

3. BeboyEdjenguele SN, Nantia EA, Manfo FPT, Vidari G, Moundipa PF, Monsees TK. (2014). Effects of Methanol Fractions of Basella alba L. (Basellaceae) on TM3 Leydig Cells Steroidogenesis. Journal of Biological and Chemical Research 31(2):912-922

4. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Déchaud H, Tchana AN, Zabot M-T, Pugeat M, Moundipa PF. (2014).Protective effect of Basella alba and Carpolobia alba extracts against maneb-induced male infertility. Pharmaceuticl Biology 52(1):97-104.

5. Manfo FPT, Jubendradass R, Nantia EA, Moundipa PF, Mathur PP. (2014).Adverse Effects of Bisphenol A on Male Reproductive Function. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 228: 57-82

6. Nantia EA, Manfo FPT, Beboy ESN, Moundipa FP. (2013). In vitro the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Basella alba L. (Basellaceae) in rat testis homogenate. Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science 2(2):131-136.

7. Manfo FPT, Moundipa PF, Déchaud H, Tchana AN, Nantia EA, Zabot M-T, Pugeat M. (2012). Effect of agropesticides use on male reproductive function: A study on farmers in Djutitsa (Cameroon). Environmental Toxicology 27(7):423-432.

8. Nantia EA, Manfo FPT, Beboy NE, Travert C, Carreau S, Monsees TK, Moundipa PF. (2012).Effect of methanol extract of Basella alba L. (Basellaceae) on the fecundity and testosterone level in male rats exposed to flutamide in utero. Andrologia 44:38-45.

9. Manfo FPT, Chao W-F, Moundipa PF, Pugeat M, Wang PS. (2011). Effects of maneb on testosterone release in male rats. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 34(2):120-128.

10. Nantia EA, Travert C, Manfo FPT, Carreau S, Monsees TK, Moundipa PF. (2011). Effects of the Methanol Extract of Basella alba L (Basellaceae) on Steroid Production in Leydig Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12(1):376-384.

11. Manfo FPT, Nantia EA, Tchana AN, Monsees TK, Moundipa PF. (2011). Evaluation of the effect of Carpolobia alba (Polygalaceae) aqueous extract on male reproductive function. Journal of Applied Animal Research 39(1):80-84.

Personal summary

Dr.MANFO TSAGUE Faustin Pascal is a Researcher and Lecturer, whose research mostly focuses on the effect of environmental contaminants on human and animal health. Various chemicals of industrial importance are being released into the environment in the course of their production, use, and disposal. According to the World Health Organization, about a quarter of the diseases faced by mankind today are associated with prolonged exposure to environmental risks/pollution.
Dr.Manfo and collaborators have been working to raise awareness on the deleterious impact of environmental contaminants in Cameroon, particularly targeting the following objectives: (1) provide data on exposure to environmental toxicants and its effects on liver and male reproductive function; (2) explore the potential of the Cameroonian flora as a source of active ingredients which could be used to address these health challenges posed by environmental pollution.
Some of their work conducted in the West Region of Cameroon showed that male farmers who were using agropesticides were more prone to infertility. They also demonstrated the protective effect of some medicinal plants against pesticide –induced toxicity, and validated the use of the latter plants for treatment of male infertility.
Dr.Manfo has authored 2 book chapters and 11 scientific papers in peer review journals. He is member of several scientific leaned societies, and reviewer in several scientific journals.

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