
Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea was created by presidential decree No. 93/034 of 19 January 1993.  Since then, the two departments of Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science have offered the following degrees:


  • Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS)
  • Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS)


  • Master of Science in Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Master of Science in Chemical Pathology.

In October 2006, the Minister of Higher Education authorised the start of the field of medicine. According to the ministerial order, this field is open to train medical doctors and other professionals of the health sciences at all levels as needed.

The current administration of the Faculty is made up of a dean, one vice-dean, a faculty officer, two heads of departments, a coordinator of the medicine programme, four heads of services (records, teaching, general administration and personnel and finance).


To be a leader in the health development of populations in Cameroon, Africa and the world.


The Faculty of Health Sciences is dedicated to achieving excellence and advancing health through leadership in education in the health sciences, discovery, innovation, research, and exemplary health delivery services.

Core Values

The Faculty of Health Sciences closely identifies itself with the following professional core values:

  • Excellence which ensures the use of current theory, knowledge and practice in pedagogy, community and patient care;
  • Integrity which ensures steadfast adherence to high ethical principles in training tomorrow’s health professionals;
  • Social Responsibility which promotes mutual trust between the Faculty and the communities it serves;
  • Professional Duty which ensures that obligations to train health professionals for the service of humanity is met.